Welcome To Community Church of Cartoonville!
Community Church of Cartoonville is a fictional church set up to demonstrate how to use SeekerWorks.NET™. If this was your organization, you might expect to see some pictures or other content to encourage you to check out other pages also.
Each organization using SeekerWorks.NET™ is also assigned a sub-domain at no additional charge, which, like Community Church of Cartoonville, enables you to tailor the images and information displayed to that of your organization. While the page you are viewing shows up using seekerworks.org or www.seekerworks.org, it will also show up for cccartoonville.seekerworks.org, since 'cccartoonville' is the sub-domain for this organization.
You can also provide your own background image. In this example, we've used a picture of Lake Superior from a few years ago. There are also options to include images in this text as well as a carousel, showing up to 9 different images. In this example, we've used some pictures of other churches from around the world:
Also, at the bottom of the page, you can define any or all of your social media links. In this example, they all link to SeekerWorks Inc. pages on Facebook, Twitter, Linked-in, etc.